Online Application Home Our Company Online Application Last Name*: First Name*: Middle Initial: Email Address:* Mailing Address Street: City: State: Zip: Street Address(if different) Street: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Day/Evening: Day: Evening: Are you legally authorized to work in the US?NoYes Do you have a current North Carolina's Driver’s License?NoYes Have you ever been convicted of a felony?NoYes If yes, please explain: ALLERGIES: Are you allergic to bee stings, insect bites, etc?NoYes If yes, please explain and what precautionary steps are you instructed to take in the event of such and occurrence? Are you applying for:Year-RoundFull-TimeSeasonalPart-Time Can you and/or are you available to work weekends?NoYes Do you have professional landscaping experience?NoYes if so, please explain: Education Name of School: Years Completed: Name of School: Years Completed: List employers Starting with most recent: 1. Employer name/Contact: Employer Address: Phone: Employment Start & End Date:- Hourly Rate: Position Held: Job Description: Reason for Leaving: 2. Employer name/Contact: Employer Address: Phone: Employment Start & End Date:- Hourly Rate: Position Held: Job Description: Reason for Leaving: 3. Employer name/Contact: Employer Address: Phone: Employment Start & End Date:- Hourly Rate: Position Held: Job Description: Reason for Leaving: How did you hear about this job opportunity?: TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT I understand and agree that if I am hired, my employment with Rescue Lawn Care, LLC hereinafter referred to as Company is at the will of the Company, which means that the Company has the right to discharge me for any reason whatsoever. I understand that I may also be laid-off at any time, for any reason I expressly agree and understand that this paragraph forms the entire agreement between the Company and me on the subject of discharge, termination, and/or layoff. It may be changed only by written agreement signed by the company.